Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More Than This - A One Direction Story Episode 3

More Than This - A One Direction Story Episode 3 Tube. Duration : 0.70 Mins.

Sorry for the long wait! I had to change the video because Stuepflix was asking for money. Bella's POV We said goodbye to the four guys and swapped our numbers. Before we left, Niall gave me a kiss on the cheek. Niall - Bye, love. Leanne drove us back to her place. We predicted Summer was already there. We got to Leanne's place just to see Louis pulling out of her drive. Tori - Why's he here? He winded down the window and smiled. Louis - Summer's inside. Bye loves! Tori's POV He drove off and we all went inside, confused, to see Summer hiding under about a gazillion blankets. She was wearing her PJ's, which were very geeky, since she was a bit of a geek. We all changed into these: www.polyvore.com and joined Summer under the sheets. Summer's POV KNOCK KNOCK. That's what woke me up. I turned my iPhone on and checked the time 6:03am? I groaned and got up, and woke the others. Summer - Guys, there's someone at the door. Tori - Who is it? I looked through the peephole to see One Direction right there. Summer - Let's see, maybe a certain Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis To- Tori - WHAT?! I need to change my shirt. Bella - Why? It's just says you love Liam, whereas Summer's got a freaking superman one! I opened the door. Summer - Hey, just give Tori a sec, she wants to change. I turned around and spoke to Bella. Summer - It's not Superman, it's Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Iron Man, Hulk and Hawke- Leanne - Whatever! Hey guys! They all smiled and nodded, and Louis glanced ...

Tags: one, direction, love, story, girls, more, than, this, song, selena, gomez, chachi, gonzales, dance, lulu, antariska, annasophia, robb, onetruemedia, ariana, grande, One Direction (Musical Artist), Selena Gomez (Musical Artist)

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